Friday, May 23, 2008

Top Ten reasons against gay marriage -- debunked

It is good to have the AFA actually list the Right's talking points on why gay marriage should be banned so they can be debunked.

1. Same-sex marriage will destroy marriage. That "Scandinavian Study" is bunk. The bible is being misused. No credible study shows kids are harmed by having gay parents.

2. Polygamy will follow. So pass a constitutional amendment on polygamy, already.

3. Same-sex marriage makes straight divorce too easy. Huh?

4. Same-sex marriage would require schools to teach tolerance. Isn't tolerance a good idea on its own? But Governor Arnold signed a tolerance law long before the state Supremes legalized gay marriage.

5. Same-sex couples would be able to adopt. They already can in most states.

6. Sensitivity training for foster parents will be required. Again, huh?

7. Social Security can't afford benefits for gay couples. Isn't the goal of ex-gay therapy to make gays able to enter straight marriage? How are gay couples different? Besides, it's only 2%.

8. Allow gay marriage in the USA and other countries will want it too. Well, yeah. Probably better to blame Canada on this one.

9. Gay marriage will make evangelism more difficult. Gay couples will destroy the church where Roman Emperors could not?

10. Gay marriage will bring divine retribution. 3000 kids die of malaria a day and it is love that will cause God to smite us?

Complete arguments are here.

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